Datum / čas
Date(s) - 15.06. 2024
10:00 - 17:30
Místo konání
Bliss Yoga Studio
🕉️ Participants:
Those already certified at Level-1 and wishing to continue with support of a senior teacher as well as other serious practitioners with several years of experience in class are welcome to take part.
🕉️ Teacher: Michael Forbes
Speaking English (native speaker) and German (very fluent)
Originally from the US, in Munich since 1981
Iyengar Yoga Level-3 (previously “Senior Intermediate 2” Certificate von Guruji 2012)
Practitioner since 1972 (Iyengar Yoga since 1982)
25+ study trips to Pune, 1986-2019
Founding member of the German Association, still active and responsible
Main Organizer of several German Conventions (Swati Chanchani 2006, Abhijata Iyengar 2012 – planning Uday Bhosale, 2026)
Teacher trainer and Assessor since 1995
Workshops in Czech Republic since 1992
🕉️ Cost:
3100 Kč (reduced price for exceptional circumstances for this workshop: 2600 Kč)
🕉️ Organization and registration:
Tereza Propperová
The guidelines for efficient and effective work in the asana and pranayama practice call for patient, intensive and intelligent effort plus introspection and reflection. In the Level-1 work moving the body and learning the proper structure and alignment of the poses is most important (ACTION). In Level-2 SENSITIVITY in practicing comes into focus. We learn to feel the body in the poses and use this inner feedback to refine and stabilize. With such a refined awareness we can begin to study and practice the more complex and more demanding poses in the syllabus safely. This study program concludes with Level-3. Using the foundation from working in Level-1 (Action) and Level-2 (Sensitivity) we can approach PERCEPTIVITY: Using the mind to discriminate and balance our energies in the practice. Finding and internalizing the physical keys to proper and effective practice, feeling the body in this process more and more subtly and finally establishing a practice and lifestyle which nurture our inner essence and ability to love and nurture our environment and our fellow beings – these are the goals.
Whew … that’s a mouthful. Even if we want to practice and think intensively, humor and approachability are important qualities in dealing with each other and also need to be practiced. I think we can have an enjoyable time together and hope you can join 😊. Michael