Anyone who practices Iyengar yoga in Czech republic may become member of the ČAIJ. It is only required to fill a registration form and pay the membership fee.
People practicing Iyengar yoga (both teachers and students) may become members by two different ways.
Fyzické osoby praktikující Iyengar jógu (nejen učitelé ale i studenti) se mohou stát členy Asociace dvěma způsoby:
- memebership in institution that is a collective member of the association
- individual membership
All members of the Association are required to pay a yearly fee of 700 Kč – this is neccessary in order to have right to participate the general assembly and vote there during the time period for which the fee was payed.
Teachers who are bearers the certification – a certificate from RIMYI – must be members of the Association and pay the teachers fee for the certification mark (1000 Kč) according to the rules in the Association chart, in annex E.
Executive council may decide to reject any membership application or decide to expel any member of the Association.